Wild camp on Sgorr Tuath and Assynt road trip

By Marc Pickering

The Premise 

I travelled to Assynt at the start of August with the premise of finally making it to the summit of Sgorr Tuath, a remote hill overlooking Stac Pollaidh and the other Assynt classics!
As this hill has no path and a fairly treacherous and boggy walk in, its rarely attempted but had been on my bucket list for some time!
But First… 

Before I attempted the hike, I spent an evening wild camping at Boat Bay, one of my favourite spots and views in this part of the Highlands.
It’s a nice quiet corner away from the main tourist hot spots and the views are quite astounding.
A nice sunrise on what was quite a gloomy morning was what I awoke to, beautiful rays of light breaking through the clouds (a favourite subject of mine to photograph) As I photographed the scenes and made my coffee, I kept everything crossed for a change in conditions so the summits would be clear when I attempted the hike to Sgorr Tuath


I finally, after a 3.5 hour hike in 25c conditions with 20kg of camping kit and 12kg of camera gear, made it to the summit of this hill that has eluded me for a few years.
The main purpose of the hike was to find the amazing sandstone spires at the top of Sgorr Tuath, and as I got over the Bealach it came in to view!
I was blown away by the amazing natural formation and the landscape laid out in front of me! That feeling when you finally tick something off your bucket list is the reason I love to challenge myself to these missions, and a wonderful night spent on the hill gave me some amazing memories that will stay with me for a lifetime 
